The High-Impact Leadership Program | Center for Leadership | Florida International University | FIU
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The High-Impact Leadership Program

Elevate Your Leadership

You’re a proven leader at your organization and ready to take the next step. Discover what directors to VPs nationwide already know: The High-Impact Leadership Program from the award-winning Center for Leadership at FIU will unearth your dynamic, adaptive, and creative capabilities and transform them into a competitive advantage – for you, your team, and your organization.

Great leaders become better by uncovering and motivating the strength, skills, and traits that will elevate their existing leadership capabilities. This program provides models and action steps to prepare leaders – like you – to become even better. Develop your portfolio of strategic leadership skills to assume greater responsibilities, tackle daunting challenges, and drive collaboration across every sphere you and your team touches. Elevate your leadership at the Center for Leadership at FIU.

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Who should attend?

This program is designed for leaders that serve as mid-to senior-level area managers, directors, or vice presidents with a decade or more leadership experience and broad responsibilities over operations and other managers. 

Not sure if this program is the right fit for you or want more information before applying? Contact a member of our team or view our other program options for individual contributors, managers, and established executives.

Why attend?

Our leadership development programs and workshops continue to gain recognition around the world. Since 2014, we have garnered fourteen different accolades from, Chief Learning Officer (CLO), and University Professional and Continuing Education Association (UPCEA)… including seven #1 rankings! Read more about our rankings and awards.

  • Benefits for the individual
    • Make small adjustments that can have a large impact.
    • Enhance the ability to engage others and lead with strategic purpose and vision.
    • Increase strategic capabilities and the ability to “make the right call”.
    • Build a strong understanding and awareness of self, and understand how self-knowledge strengthens leadership capabilities.
    • Develop the different (and sometimes non-intuitive) skills needed for leading individual versus teams’ strategic initiatives.
  • Benefits for the organization
    • Build leadership capacity by equipping high performing executives equally capable of assuming added and/or greater responsibilities.
    • Develop a team of skilled executives adept at identifying and avoiding personal “derailers”.
    • Identify organizational leaders capable of building leadership capacity and engaging those they lead.
    • Strengthen talent development and effective succession planning processes to ensure sustainable leadership capacity for the organization.
  • Continuing Education


    The Center for Leadership is a recognized provider of both Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and SHRM, offering Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP® recertification activities. Participants of this program will be eligible to receive CEUs and SHRM-PDCs with participating professional organizations.

Topics and Schedule

The following topics and schedule are subject to change.

  • Day 1 - 1:00pm – 7:00pm ET in Miami, FL
    • Program orientation and introduction   
    • Personality and leadership: understand how who you are affects your leadership behaviors
    • Values in leadership: clearly define the role of personal values in leadership to better understand your decision making process
    • Welcome dinner
  • Day 2 - 8:00am – 5:00pm ET in Miami, FL
    • Leadership presence: improve your presence by practicing the skills actors use to have great stage presence and develop techniques to amplify your impact
    • The art of storytelling: learn to use stories and storytelling techniques to make communications and presentations more compelling and influential
    • When your strengths turn into liabilities: gain an awareness of the types of situations that trigger your ineffective behaviors and as a result be better able to develop strategies for minimizing derailing behaviors
    • Decision-making traps and biases: better understand the more rational approach to decision-making and learn to avoid decision-making traps caused by cognitive biases or emotional “gut” responses
    • Breakfast and lunch included
  • Day 3 - 8:00am – 5:00pm ET in Miami, FL
    • Narratives for clarity and buy-in: develop a playbook for visionary leadership while being authentically you and understand the importance of vision and narratives in creating alignment and engagement at all organizational levels
    • Leading teams toward better decisions: develop skills to foster team performance, learn how to lead teams to make great decisions by structuring their decision process, and identify the predictable traps teams fall in to and how to avoid them
    • Experiential learning activity: work together in a team to accomplish a series of tasks to understand the different ways teams approach decision-making, goal setting, and collaboration
    • Developing a realistic action plan for personal growth
    • Breakfast and lunch included
  • Executive coaching sessions virtually via Zoom
    • A unique benefit of participating in The High-Impact Leadership Program is the opportunity to meet one-on-one with an executive coach. These sessions will allow you to enlist objective feedback from a trained professional on issues or matters of particular concern to you. You may also use these sessions to gain further insight on some of the sessions or tools discussed during the program. 
    • This program includes two coaching sessions scheduled at the participants availability between the in-person and virtual program dates. Each session is 50-minutes long and will be conducted virtually via Zoom.
  • Day 4 - 12:00pm – 5:00pm ET virtually via Zoom
    • Leadership roundtable: the opportunity to participate in a roundtable with an industry leader
    • Strategic innovation: learn reliable stratagems to create winning moves for your team (and avoid killing off innovation and intrapreneurship)
    • Program Closing



Nathan Hiller, Ph.D

Mayra Beers, Ph.D.

Mayra Beers, Ph.D.


Gino Coca-Mir


Jill Hellman


Carol Lempert

Hock-Peng Sin, Ph.D.

 Hock-Peng Sin, Ph.D.



"It was really eye-opening in terms of taking a look at who I am…and the kind of things I can do to make a difference in how I lead the individuals that are depending on me."

Bernadette Montgomery
Executive Director
Miami-Dade County Public Schools

"The quality of the program exceeded my expectations. I would definitely call this a world class program and I would say that it rivals some of the ivy-league programs that are out there. I am going to talk to my team a lot about how we can build this program into our high potential leadership retention and development. This is a world-class program that can help organizations build their leadership pipeline.

Jenn Crenshaw
Chief People Officer
Element3 Health

"I was very impressed with the quality of instruction. The instructors were prepared and what really impressed me was the research that backs up the things we talked about - personality and career derailers. I hadn't been exposed to this in any of the previous thirty years of leadership development that I've done."

Colonel Scott Malcom
Former Executive Director of Public Affairs
United States Southern Command

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What leadership capabilities should you be developing?

Research shows that good leaders can become great, and even great leaders should continue to develop, reflect, hone their skills, and learn new strategies. Assess yourself or your organization with The Leadership Competency Builder by clicking on the button below.

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