March 14, 2023
Leading Well: Growing the Elephant

March 14, 2023
9:30am-10:30am (doors open at 9:00am)
Reception and book signing to follow (in-person)
Thank you to our reception sponsor ttg.
This event is free and open to the public.
Click here to register to attend in-person
Florida International University
Graham Center Ballrooms
11200 SW 8th Street
Miami, FL 33199
Click here to register to attend via Zoom
Zoom link provided upon registering
Leading Well was developed to engage the community we serve through conversations with academics, business executives, executive coaches, community leaders, and leadership experts. These wide-ranging discussions cover topics from personal growth to leading others, and human development to leadership best practices, with a goal of engaging leaders at all levels. Through this series, we provide access to expertise, insight, advice, and best practices on topics related to leadership, leadership development, and leading well.
Special Announcement
The first 30 people to arrive will receive a copy of
“Growing the Elephant: Increasing Earned Advantage for All" by Chris Altizer and Gloria Johnson-Cusack.
About the Event
Growing the Elephant – Increasing Earned Advantage for All (Practical Inspiration, 2022) authors Chris Altizer and Gloria Johnson-Cusack lead participants in an experiential approach to leaders’ roles in engaging others in challenging discussions of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Whether leading self or others, or guiding those who lead others, participants each explore in a safe-yet-brave environment “the elephant in the room” of advantage. Participants are introduced to practices that enable being with the discomfort of recognizing and working with unearned advantage to then grow opportunities for earned advantage – for all.
Concepts to be discussed include:- Productively reframing ‘privilege’ in DEI
- The GAM - Growth Advantage Mindset
- Self, Other, and Self-on-Other Awareness
- The GAM of Leadership – Dimensions of Power
- Reflections - meeting people where they are
- STOP - stop, take a breath, observe, proceed
- The Value of Intentions - what and why in DEI
This session does not require reading the book or expertise in leadership development or diversity, equity, or inclusion. It does require an open mind to explore and reflect on challenging questions and learn from others in the room – whoever they are, wherever they are from.
The Presenters
Thank you to our reception sponsor ttg Talent Solutions
This Leading Well event is presented by
With support from
In an effort to optimize participation in our events we strongly urge you to register online to reserve your place and arrive early to claim your seat. While we are unlikely to turn anyone away, we are limited to the capacity of the lecture rooms and event spaces. Many thanks in advance for your understanding and cooperation.