Anthem, Inc. Leadership Fundamentals | Center for Leadership | Florida International University | FIU
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Anthem, Inc. Leadership Fundamentals

In 2017, The Center was honored to partner with Anthem, Inc., to deliver Leadership Fundamentals specially designed for Anthem managers to build a shared mindset and hone collaborative skills and self-insight as effective tools for building a stronger organization. This one-day program challenged individuals to define key factors essential for more effective workgroups.

The program begins with discussion topics that included successfully leveraging personality and using communication strategies to maximize performance. In the afternoon, participants completed an experiential learning activity designed to show how collaboration and teamwork breed success. The day ended with a case study on how a great leader’s decisions are shaped and influenced by his/her values. These foundational principles challenge participants to think about leadership as a personal and authentic journey built on tangible skills and behaviors that have seen tangible results-driven solutions in the workplace.