Dr. Dana Farrow is an Organizational/Industrial Psychologist, Industrial Engineer, and was Professor of Management and International Business at Florida International University. He consults, conducts seminars, and trains in the areas of leadership, problem-solving, managing and working effectively in diverse teams, team building, and compliance with Title VII issues in employment (sexual harassment and gender, race, disability, age, national origin, and religious discrimination). Clients include American Express, the American Management Association, Becton Dickinson, Cayman Airways, Kraft Latin America, the Miami-Dade County School Board, Norwegian Cruise Line, Novartis, Royal Caribbean International, Telefonica, the U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, and Florida Power and Light.
While at FIU Dana served as Associate Dean of the College of Business, Chairperson of the Department of Management and International Business, and Academic Director of the International MBA Program. He is a Founding Fellow of the Center for Leadership at FIU.
Dana’s research in the areas of leadership styles, problem-solving and personality, the use of power in organizations, working in diverse teams, behavioral issues in management information systems implementation, and implementing quality improvement programs is published in Management Science, the Journal of Applied Psychology, the Journal of Management Studies, the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, and the International Journal of Service Industry Management.
His teaching interests are in management, organizational behavior, leadership, human resource management, and applied statistics. He was the recipient of the College of Business’ first annual Teacher of the Year Award, and received one of the first five University Excellence in Teaching Awards authorized by the Florida Board of Regents and awarded by the Faculty of Florida International University.