Dr. Noel M. Tichy is a Professor of Management & Organizations at the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan. In the mid 1980s, Dr. Tichy was head of GE’s Leadership Center, the fabled Crotonville, where he led the transformation to action learning at GE. Between 1985 – 1987, Dr. Tichy was Manager of Management Education for General Electric where he directed its worldwide development efforts at Crotonville. Prior to joining the Michigan faculty, he served for nine years on the Columbia University Business School faculty. Dr. Tichy is the author of numerous books and articles; his most recent book is JUDGMENT ON THE FRONT LINE: How Smart Companies Win by Trusting Their People co-authored with Chris DeRose. Tichy has long been regarded as a staple of management literacy as noted by his rating as one of the “Top 10 Management Gurus” by BusinessWeek and Business 2.0. He has served on the editorial boards of the Academy of Management Review, Organizational Dynamics, Journal of Business Research, and Journal of Business Strategy and was the founding editor and chief of HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. Noel Tichy consults widely in both the private and public sectors. He is a senior partner in Action Learning Associates. His clients have included: Best Buy, GE, PepsiCo, Coca Cola, GM, Nokia, Nomura Securities, 3M, Daimler-Benz and Royal Dutch Shell.