Kiran Kumar K. Salagame is a Clinical Psychologist and a Professor of Psychology at the University of Mysore, India. His publications relate to meditation & yoga, states of consciousness, Indian psychology, holistic health, positive psychology, transpersonal psychology and social cognition. He has authored The Psychology of Meditation: A contextual approach. Indian Association of Clinical Psychologists conferred “Psycho Award” in 2006 for his significant contributions to the field of psychology. He was a former Fulbright fellow. Currently, he is an Honorary Professor, International Academy for Yoga Teacher Training, Belgrade, Serbia, Member, Scientific Board, International Society for Interdisciplinary Yoga Research, Belgrade, Serbia, Member, Board of International Transpersonal Association, USA. Member Academic Council, Swami Vivekananda Yoga University, Bangalore. He has been serving as the Associate Editor of Psychological Studies, is on the Editorial boards of national and international journals. He has been a Visiting Professor/ Faculty/Occasional Lecturer in national and international Universities and institutes of higher education. He is a Fellow of Indian Association of Clinical Psychologists, and Member, National Academy of Psychology, India.